
A Million Little Pieces...Of NCLB

At some point, even some of the strongest critics of NCLB may come to see that slicing and dicing up NCLB this way could have detrimental effects that go far beyond the law itself.

Just a day after Harvard puts out a study showing how some states are getting more of a break from NCLB than others (see previous post), AP reports that even more state to state disparity is on the way.


This is especially interesting since we already know that most of these states don't have the student data systems in place to do the job (USDE Allows "Progress" Pilot -- But Few States Ready).

According to AP story (States seek more flexibility under No Child Left Behind), the applications (due Friday) are coming from Florida, Ohio, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii and Oregon, Indiana, Colorado, Delaware, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

Of these, only two states -- Florida and Ohio -- are anywhere near ready to run a growth model, acccording to NCEA's State Data Systems report cited above. Two more states -- Arizona and Hawaii -- have none of the 1o elements needed to operate a growth model.


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