
School Restructuring Probably Works More Than You Think It Does

In almost every district around the country, there are a handful of low-performing schools that are supposed to be undergoing "restructuring" under NCLB.

In some places, it hasn't meant much.
In others, it's too soon to tell.

But in more places than you might think, it's actually worked...

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85% of failing schools improved under restructurings
Lansing State Journal

What does 'F' mean? (Southtown via Stateline).

Scores improve; some left behind
Tenn. Commercial Appeal

Hope but No Miracle Cures: Michigan’s Early Restructuring Lessons (PDF CEP). This look at school restructuring efforts in Michigan suggests that some schools do need a substantial revamp -- and that it can, with difficulty, be done.

Restructuring Schools in Baltimore (PDF ECS). This case study and policy brief describes state and district efforts at turning around troubled Baltimore schools.

A State Policymaker's Guide to Alternative Charter School Authorizers (PDF ECS). In this recent report, ECS charts the pros and cons of giving state boards, universities, and even school districts the ability to "authorize" charter schools. In Ohio, at least, nonprofit organizations can (and do) charter schools.


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