
Black Baby Bennett Fallout In Philly, Not Chicago

There's an interesting contrast in how Bill Bennett's infamous statements about aborting black babies are being responded to in Philadelphia and Chicago.

Just over a month ago, Bennett made comments suggesting that social problems could be solved by aborting black babies: Bennett Under Fire for Remark on Crime and Black Abortions (Washington Post).

What he said: "
...It's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could - if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down."

The education company he helped found, K12, Inc., asked him to resign shortly thereafter. However, at a board meeting in Philadelphia this week, community members called loudly on school officials to divest themselves of dealings with Bennett's former company:
Ire over 'black baby' remark boils over at school meeting, School firm still haunted by comments (Inquirer). The Philadelphia schools have partnered with K12, Inc. on a wide variety of projects.

Here in Chicago, there has been if any little such protest so far, even though one of the 16 newly proposed new schools to be created next year is a K12, Inc. virtual school. K12 could also be one of the companies that provides curriculum and instructional support at the schools that implement the High School Transformation pilot next year.

Mike Klonsky mentions it in his blog:

"How a "virtual school" founded by a racist politician will help drive community improvement (the stated goal of Ren 10) is anybody's guess." (
Chicago's new patronage system)

However, to my knowledge the issue hasn't been raised at Board or Ren10 meetings.


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