
More Conflicts Inside the Chicago Teachers Union

In case you'd been wondering what CTU President Marilyn Stewart has been up to since the start of the school year, there are some juicy tidbits over at the Education Intelligence Agency about ongoing battles between the Chicago Teachers Union and the Illinois Education Association.

According to the story ( Illinois NEA Retreats from Dealing with CTU Dissidents), "Internal politics within the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) have embroiled the leadership of the Illinois Education Association and nearly started an organizing war in Chicago."

The fight reportedly includes the current leadership (Marilyn Stewart), the Illinois Education Association, and a third group called the Chicago Educational Employees Caucus that I've never heard of but who was apparently trying to get away from the IFT and join the IEA, a move that was considered but rejected under a "no-raid" agreement between the two unions.

Not surprisingly, current CTU president Mairly Stewart opposed the proposed departure of some CTU members, and, according to the report, attacked the EIA for even considering the idea. There are both immediate financial implications (departing members) and longer-term ones (the two unions have different pension funds), as well as obvious political implications.

It's not clear if Debby Lynch's PACT was involved, though it's hard to imagine why they would be. But the report, if accurate, indicates a high level of internal strife and can't help but hinder the CTU's ability to support teachers and advocate for better schools. A press release denouncing the latest round of Ren-10 proposals doesn't really count.

"All in all, intrigue worthy of a medieval harem," writes the EIA. "And the clean-up isn't going so smoothly, either."


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