All the Education Links You Could Ever Want
For the insatiable link-lovers out there, there are several ways of making sure that you haven't "missed anything" each week, without having to spend an inordinate amount of time searching the Web.
As many know, there are two or three places to get lots of education links every day, including, Education Week's Daily News, and's daily list of education news. You can also sign up for daily emails from the ASCD SmartBrief, ECS E-Clips, District Administration magazine, and others. EducationNews and the SmartBrief are my favorites, but each has its strengths and weaknesses. Why not sign up for them all?
For weekly news, there's the Gadfly, the PEN NewsBlast, and even Google News, which can be set up to send you a weekly email of links customized to your interests. Don't forget Education Week, which puts out a ton of high-quality news each week. Biweekly, puts out its own roundup, though the arrival of Eduwonk seems to have made it irrelevant.
To track blogs and other sites that might slip through the tracks, one of the newer and easier ways of keeping afloat is to set up a free account at and get "webfeeds" (headlines of new stories) from most of your favorite sites, collected and delivered to you in one easy place. It's like having your own customized version of the web come to you. I highly recommend it. Email me and I'll tell you how to do it and send you my bloglines list so you don't have to start from scratch.
That's it. All the education links you could ever want, and way more content than you could ever hope to read through.