
The Tutoring Tango (NCLB News)

On a day to day basis, NCLB tutoring seems to be the most irksome of many irksome requirements for big city administrators. The other things like AYP only come around every so often, and don't really cost that much if you don't count the perceptions thing. But SES tutoring is a steady drip drip drip of money and pride slipping through your hands every day, plus some legitimate questions about whether they do it any better than you do.

Guide Seeks New Clarity on Tutoring EW
300,000 Kids Qualify for Free Tutoring LAT
More states are investigating tutor regulations BoardBuzz
Murky waters of SES Gadfly
State looks closely at tutoring
IL tightens SES policies EW
Where does the money go? EPSL Gerry Bracey

Education department offers tutoring guidance EW

Districts offer online summer courses EW
Religious Groups Jump at Chance to Offer NCLB Tutoring EW

Now if there was only as much interest and energy around the choice provision. We might have to wait for 2007 or more voucher demos for that one: 'No Child' provisions lagging in region PhilInq


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