
Liberals for Charters, Credible Democrats, Debating Preschool, Comings and Goings (National News)

Politics of Education:
Authors Urge Left-Leaning Advocates to Back Chartering EW
Democrats need credible education policy TNR via JJ
The politics of literacy Policy Review via Gadfly

Debating Preschool:
Maybe preschool is the problem NYT
Always blame standards
Education Gadfly
Free preschools are paying off for state's neediest students AP
State’s pre-K plan: Start small and learn Tennessean
House Committee OKs Head Start Reauthorization EW

Across the States:
High school exit exams on the rise Stateline
Taking adequacy to the courts PDF NSBA via PEN

Comings And Goings:
Texas ‘Agitator’ in Line for Ed. Dept. Post EW
National Reading Czar to Leave Public Sector

Best of the Rest:
The Rise and Fall of Federal Bilingual Education TC Record
When Schools Stay Open Late via Gadfly
Understanding the new SAT Inside HigherEd
Miller teacher quality initiative Rep. George Miller
Gates funds more high-tech schools eSchool News
Education"> Education">Plan to Gather Student Data Draws Fire NYT
Education">Hoping to Make Policy Waves, and Graduate, Too
The Spellings Report: Another Federal Mandate The Wonks
Education">Schoolwork NYT

Tutor-Mongering, Glimmers of Hope, and Complaints New and Old (NCLB News)

Summer's Coming:
Need a tutor? Call India. CSM
Tutor money unspent AZ Central
Schoolwork in the Summer Get Schooled

Education">School Law Spurs Efforts to End Minority Gap NYT
Academic focus is focus in Ct Washington Post
NCLB Is Not a ‘Mandate,’ Says GAO in Clarification EW
Federal law forces Washington to make tests public Seattle Times
7 S. Jersey schools improve No Child Left Behind ratings PhilInq

Undermining School Progress
Washington Post
When Progress Isn't 'Adequate Yearly Progress' AFT via EdNews
Union Campaigns to Change How NCLB Assesses Progress EW
Federal law forces schools to give student info to military Newsday
No Child Unrecruited
Mother Jones via EdNews

ED Releases guidance on special education testing requirements
Feds won’t OK state’s NCLB plan Foster’s Online
Florida Gains Flexibility on NCLB Provisions EW
Will rule change leave kids behind? St. Petersburg Times

Realistic about NCLB Palm Beach Post
Nevada Dems question federal No Child Left Behind Act AP

States Eyeing Expense of Hand-Scored Tests EW

NCLB Once more Doyle Report via EduWonk
'No Child Left Behind' being left to languishSouth Bend Tribune
NCLB, Inc. – tracking accountably just like stocks Daniel Pryzbyla
Another Challenge to NCLB… Sort of

Mayoral Control in LA, Brand-Name Reforms, and Community Colleges (Urban Education)

Pay Innovations, Unionized Charters, Student Attitudes, Reading and Boys (Teaching and Leading)

West Sac 'combat pay' fight Sacramento Bee via Gadfly
Va. to Provide Bonuses for Middle-Grades Math Teachers EW
Teacher bill revises 'last hired, first fired' MinnStarTrib
Sleeping With the Enemy EW Commentary

Schools ranked on teacher quality SA Express-News via EdNews
1,400 teachers lacking licenses Washington Times
Staying Close to the Teacher
Panel Urges New Testing for Teachers EW

How teacher preparation differs The Finance Project
Road to teaching paved with trials, triumphs Houston Chronicle

Right, Wrong ... What's the Dif? LAT via EdNews
Only 8, but Already Deemed Average WPost

More charter teachers look toward unionizing PhilInq

Evidence Lacking in Charter School Unionization "Trend." EIA
Board to look at requiring KIPP teachers to pay union BaltSun via EIA

"Teaching to the test" Instructivist
How to get boys to read
Christian Science Monitor
Get a guy to read? Try making it gross Cincy Enq via EIA
Strength in Numbers (U.S. News & World Report)
Odds Stacked Against Pleasure Reading WPost

Principal Puts Va. School on Upswing WPost
Leadership Training Seen to Fall Short EW

College Board to change AP courses CNN
When Teachers Go Wild: Fed Up In Lousiana The Wonks
Mike Schmoker Hits Hard Teach and Learn

The Hidden Power of Social Networks: Understanding How Work Really Gets Done in Organizations

Custodians playing bigger role in schools, education Florence Morning News

Bring Back The Gates! (New York, NY)

New HS Plan, Tax Swap Fizzle, Ren-10 Resumes (Chicago IL)

Chicago H.S. Plan to Rethink Role for District EW
Donations Help Chicago Catholic Schools Off Closure List EW

Make mine Mandarin Chicago Journal
Go forth and build more schools Chicago Journal
Assessing Our Use Of Data Teach and learn

Support fizzles for 'tax swap' Tribune
Taxpayers, beware school-reform talk Tribune
Playing games with teacher pensions Tribune

Duncan: South Side to get six ‘great’ new schools Chicago Defender
CPS wants creative plans for new schools Chicago Sun-Times
Law firm's takeover of West Side school criticized Chicago Sun-Times
New school proposals solicited Chicago Tribune

Parents fight to keep preschool for special-needs kids Sun Times
End of autism program in school sparks lawsuit Tribune
Board to study teacher firings at W. Side school Chicago Sun-Times
Program for gifted could be reinstated Tribune
High school diploma standards may get tougher Tribune
We're making progress improving our schools Chicago Sun-Times

Don't forget the school funding panel being hosted by Catalyst June 1 (next Wednesday): www.catalyst-chicago.org

Reporters in the Classroom: Useful? (Media Coverage)

Now and again, a reporter tries his or her hand at classroom teaching -- either out of genuine interest or at the prodding of an editor -- and reflects on the experience in print. This week we have the latest entry: A reporter asks: Would I like to teach? CSM. However, for all my love of the CSM's education coverage, my take on this example and the genre and its lessons is that little is gained. Others may disagree, but my feeling is that education reporters can be overly aware of classroom ups and downs and 'human interest' and unaware of the dynamics going on around what is or isn't happening in the classroom, which are in the end more important than individual anecdotes. But that's just me.


Growing Pains, SINOs, Hidden Spellings, Huffie School (Best of Education Blogs)


Hi, Carmel


Bar Mitzvah Madness, Amusement Park Dangers, Trump University, and Unsolvable Math Problems (School Life)


Closed elementary school for sale on eBay Journal Star via EIA
They All Scream (for bad ice cream) Radar
Cool uses of Google Maps

Microsoft to unveil software tool for students
eSchool News
"Gimmicky" laptop program a waste of money IT&T News

Two hurt in mock light sabre duel BBC News

Reading lists speak volumes in schools Boston Globe
School bus showdown Uselessjunk.com (disturbing video)


Billy Gates To The Rescue!!!
Bar Mitzvah Madness Slate
American History 101 Slate
Who Regulates Our Nation's Amusement Parks? Slate
You're accepted! Trump U opening this month USAT
Mary Kay Letourneau marries former student USAT
Policing displays of affection at school CSM
Steps toward more drug testing in schools CSM
Rift over recruiting at public high schools CSM
Minorities could receive $250 million a year in tech grants CNET
The Unsolvable Math Problem Snopes


Getting Rid of Bad Little Apples (Early Childhood Corner)

Strange Sightings: Union Charters, Untenured Teachers

Dropouts, Small Schools, and Bad News for NCLB 2 (High Schools)

It Ain't Easy Being Small

Small schools struggle to break free CSM

Public schools, private billions CNN
Gates foundation puts $2.3B into education Boston Globe

No Filibuster for Super-Sized NCLB
Lawmakers Skittish on School-Law Expansion ABC News
Bush High School Plan Not Quite Ready to Graduate EW
Someone forgot to tell the Governor of MA, though.

High Schools Too Easy or Too Hard?

Blame parents for lack of high school rigor Des Moines Register
Missing in action Indianapolis Star
Dropout factories Indianapolis Star
Suburban epidemic Indianapolis Star
'Educational genocide" Indianapolis Star
Early warning signs Indianapolis Star

A Lull In the Battle (NCLB News)

Two Plus One

Schools Get New Options For NCLB Testing TheDay
Special Education Test Flexibility Detailed EW
NCLB conflicts seen with rules for disabled Wash Times

Dreams of Growth

States Hoping to ‘Grow’ Into AYP Success EW
Chart: Calculating in Massachusetts

Suits and Countersuits

NCLB Suit A ‘double-edged Sword' TheDay
NCLB Cases Face Hurdles in the Courts Civilrights.org
Educators ask for break on No Child Tribune
Lawsuits failing to woo Wyo Rocky Mtn. News/AP
State looking for more NCLB flexibility Billings Gazette
Governor: Lawsuit Unlikely KGWN


Ethnic gap lingers Salt Lake Tribune
Educators: U-PASS needs changes New Utah


Fla gets OK to recalculate progress Venice Gondolier
NCLB change likely no help Bradenton Herald
State can amend formula Palm Beach Post
Eased school standards OK'd Miami Herald


Federal act leaving whole states behind LA Daily
Calif. NCLB Waiver Denied EW

The Rest

Law allows Co. schools to avoid NCLB ... 9NEWS.com
NSBA hits the Hill with full page ad BoardBuzz
Welcome to NYC - here's your test N2P
An observation about NCLB Jenny D
State looks to shrink needy schools list JN Ledger
Every pupil counts in testing to meet federal standards
Corpus Christi Caller

It Can Be Done...Sometimes (Urban Education)

Better Principals, Better Teachers (Teaching and Leading)

Principals’ texts skip critical lesson WashTimes
Learning to Lead? EW

Learning To Crawl TM
Teaching demands ‘smart caring'
Instructional time and student achievement
Bridging the generation gap ASCD
Finding the Teachers We Need
Administration Now Promoting Incentive Fund EW
A New Focus For Teachers in Training Washington Post
Teen dreams: Top 10 career choices CNN
Overhauling teacher pay N2P
Little change in minority teachers ranks
The Rise of the Six-Figure Teacher
Does Shuffling Teachers Improve Learning?
Trivial hands-on activities
They're Not Laughing In Pasadena The Ed Wonks
Science Fair Cheating Get Schooled
Spelling makes a comeback CSM

Internet2 connects students worlds apart Pioneer Press
Teacher support stressed in restructuring Hon. Advertiser
Think globally, teach locallyPhiladelphia Inquirer

Do You Have What It Takes to Teach in a High-Poverty School? EdWorld
Could I Pass the Haberman Star Teacher Test?

Transfer Deadlines, Budget Blues, Gates Gift, and More (Chicago IL)

School transfer deadline looms Tribune
Tax proposal shifts pain Tribune
Campaign ends with Blagojevich pledge Chicago Defender
Gaming, Tax Reform on Table in Illinois School Aid Debate EW
12 taken to hospitals for fumes in high school
Rallying for a veto-proof boost Daily Southtown
Educators ask U.S. for break on No Child Tribune
Big Gates grants for schools Chicago Tribune
Gates Foundation adds $11 million for small schools Chicago Sun-Times
Duncan seeking funds for all Illinois schools Chicago Tribune
Charter schools' cost is at issue Chicago Tribune
Career Education adding to board Chicago Sun-Times
Head Start test not a reliable guide to progress: review
A small staff Chicago Tribune
Teens can take the heat
Separate, unequal classes set bilingual education back Sun-Times
Teachers suspicious about firings Chicago Sun-Times
Union gets names of fired teachers Chicago Sun-Times
Come on, principals: Show some class Chicago Sun-Times

Good News, By And Large (NYC)

More Than SES Providers To Consider (Education Business)

I am as much against waste, corruption, and profiteering as anyone, but I can't help but notice that the attention in this area is so often against the new players in the education industry (SES providers) rather than the ones that have been at least sometimes wasteful and profit-taking for years: the professional development industry, the curriculum and materials folks (not just big publishing companies), the ed tech folks, etc. Education is a $500B/year endeavor, which means that there is a lot of money flowing around. Let's not make a mountain out of the SES molehill and lose sight of the much bigger budgets out there for other things.

House Education and Workforce Hearing on SES T&L
Getting Rich in Public Education Assorted Stuff
SES: Two billion reasons to worry
Your Failed Business Model Is Not My Problem
Education Lobby: All for One and One for All Lone Star Report
Revolving Door: RISD must establish clear boundaries Dallas Morning News
The School Lunch Lobby Education Next
Te$t Market
Texas Observer

Love Graffiti, Celebrity Commencement Speeches, Tempting Teachers (School Life)

Jobs Of The Week

As one door closes, another opens. (Now if only I could still fit into my old work suits.) It's not really a job opening, but I do keep wondering who's going to replace Mike Petrilli at the USDE, and who's going to/has already replaced Spellings at the White House DPC. I love the fact that Carmel Martin replaced Danica in the Kennedy education office. I always wanted a former Bingaman staffer there -- I just wanted it to be me. Does that mean there's something open in education at the Center on American Progress? What I do know is that the Gates folks are looking for a senior program officer, though I can't find the posting just this second. And the Tribune Foundation is looking for a communications director among other things. And Detroit is looking for a superintendent, I hear, if that's your thing/league. Eduwonk also has some job listings this week. There are always interesting things to see at idealist.org. Job questions, job leads, job gossip...I love it all. Journalism jobs, too.


Movers and Shakers II (Chicago IL)

In response to those eager beavers who've asked if Allison's spot in the Governor's office is still open, I don't know but I'm guessing it is. She doesn't leave until June 1.

Maybe you can help him figure a way out of this awkward mess over funding education, which Steve Edwards and I were talking about on WBEZ this morning (aduio file on www.chicagopublicradio.org).

In the meantime, one place where they are definitely staffing up: New Schools for Chicago. They're looking for a Development Director and a Commucations Director. Call Jerome Allen at (312) 704-2321 to apply.


Movers And Shakers (Chicago IL)

C. Allison Jack, most recently part of the Governor's education brain trust and before that a charter schools guru at LQE, is making the big move to the Chicago Board of Education, where she'll be helping shape and administer Renaissance 2010 efforts.

No word on her official title or portfolio, but best wishes to yet another brave soul willing to try and do good working from within the beast. Perhaps all of us involved in education reform should be required to do a stint working in a big-city bureacracy. (I did mine in 1995-96 at the NYC Board of Ed. It was short but illuminating.)

Speaking of Renaissance 2010, Crain's Chicago Business recently-posted "Who's Who in Education" includes one notable error and several questionable -- or at least arguable -- calls:

First off, I guess no one told Crain's that John Ayers had been pushed out at LQE and is now headed to the Center on Law and Poverty. Or perhaps Crain's decided that John should still be on the list, and they may be right.

Ayers is not the only seeming snafu. The Nonprofits version of the list also includes Don Stewart, who is no longer running CCT, as I understand it, the job having been passed to the fast-moving Terry Mazany. Is there that much of a production lag at the paper, or did this list come out long ago and I just didn't hear about it until recently?

Second, it seems like the list is mostly made up university presidents and biz school deans, which is a strange and arbitrary measure of influence. What about the Civic Committee's Eden Martin, one of the big forces behind Renaissance 2010, or Phyllis Lockett, the newly named head of New Schools for Chicago? What about Michael Scott, Board President, and Barbara Eason-Watkins, Chief Academic Officer? I'm sure there are others -- aren't there?

There are things to like, of course: It's a list, they're always fun. Messrs. Duncan and Vitale are there, appropriately (though again it makes you wonder why Michael Scott and Barbara Eason-Watkins aren't). I like the inclusion of Nicholas M. Wolsonovich, supt. of the Catholic schools, and the inclusion of the DeVry guys Ron Taylor and Dennis Keller -- what a Chicago story that is. And it's interesting to learn the financial size of the institutions represented -- who knew that the annual budget for Governors State ($65M) is roughly half that of Chicago State ($125M), for example?

Thanks to Teach and Learn (www.teachandlearn.org) for the heads-up.


Supplemental SES: Monday Conference

The good folks at the Center on Education Policy are having a well-timed confererence on SES Monday (you should go) and have posted some of the papers that are going to be part of the discussion about what's next for SES.

What jumps out at me from Caitlin Scott's overview presentation (here) is that NCLB tutoring has perhaps unfortunately ended up being a much bigger deal, dollar- and program-wise, than the weak and easily-dodged NCLB choice requirement; that there are lots of very reasonable questions about the effectiveness of the tutoring that's being provided; and that school districts very much hate the fact that they are not in charge of approving and monitoring providers and increasingly can't be providers anymore. (Case in point, see Beth Swanson's views in re Chicago schools.)

From what I have seen, better monitoring and evaluation makes sense, and targeting eligibility better might work as well, but putting LEAs back in charge seems like a step backwards, and letting SES turn into just another after school program like 21st Century Schools would seem a shame. Extra time for the kids who need it most, in truly small groups -- that's what I envision: Giving them tutoring they deserve (Chicago Journal)

The Daily Show Explains Texas Schools

No, it's not cheating on tests that's the problem. Nor cooked dropout statistics. It's not even Margaret Spellings' fault. Instead, sexy cheerleading is apparently the cause of poor academic performance and STD in Texas schools, according to this segment from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: No Child's Sweet Behind (video).

On the Hill, In the States, and at the USDE (National News)

Not that much going on, though I (and apparently no one else) continue to think it a shame that so little seems to be going on with Head Start. On the upside, at least Mr. Bolton wasn't nominated to head the Education Department.

On Capitol Hill:

Congress drops $6B in ed funds eSchool News
House OKs vo-tech aid, defies Bush Inquirer
House Approves Perkins Reauthorization EW
Republicans Unveil House Head Start Bill EW
Head Start bill would boost competition Washington Times

Kindergarten and Evolution and Vouchers in the States:

Many Pre-K Teachers Lack Training, Study Reveals EW
Wilkins On FL Pre-K Fordham Foundation via Eduwonk
Full-day kindergarten spurs academic success Arizona Republic
Iowa lawmakers agree to compromise on early childhood education program
Education">In Kansas, Darwinism Goes on Trial Once More NYT
School vouchers slow to spread Stateline via PEN

At the USDE:

Spellings Team Tackles 'No Child' Problems Washington post

Suing States, Two Plus One Confusion, and Teaching to the Test (NCLB News)

States and NCLB:

State seeks more NCLB flexibility Billings Gazette
Conn. Stands in Defiance on Enforcing 'No Child' Washington Post
Single school testing deal in works Sacramento Bee via EIA
No state left untouched Minneapolis Star Tribune
Virginians Offer Bill on NCLB Flexibility
No lawsuit left behind The Atlantic (subscription)

As Utah shows, however, lawsuits against states might be next: Complaint Targets Utah NCLB Law. Watch out, Connecticut.

Education">Rhetoric and analysis:

The battle to save our schools CNN
Time is on our side Gadfly
Buried Lede...Does CT Expect Less From Black Kids? Eduwonk

"Two Plus One" Rules Create Confusion:

Education">U.S. Provides Rules to States for Testing Special Pupils NYT
New Special Ed Guidelines and Common-Sense NCLB Policy USDE
Two plus one equals confusion Title I Monitor
ED Gives criteria for flexibility Title I Monitor
NCLB Special Ed Policy...Don't Blame The Disabled Kids... Eduwonk

Real-World Experiences:

Urban Districts Create ‘Subsets’ of Schools EW
Teaching to the tests
Long-Awaited Study Shows ‘Success for All’ Gains
Schools May Get Coaching
Big building money gap between rich, poor Michigan schools

State Agencies Juggle NCLB Work, Staffing Woes EW
Teacher resigns over testing law Number 2 Pencil
Only 2% to switch Fulton schools
The Market and Supplemental Education Services NCSPE
AIMS pass scores may be lowered
FCAT scores show improvement

Poor schools improve FCAT reading scores Herald Tribune
Jaden's moment of truth
Orlando Sentinel
Senate measure would target low-performing, charter schools Houston Chronicle
It’s Being Done in St.Paul Achievement Alliance