
Mixed Reviews for IDEA (Special Education)

No one seems to know exactly how the new IDEA is going to play out -- perhaps because it's not that much of a change from the status quo, or perhaps because attention is focused elsewhere.

This week's reviews and rehashes mostly run straight down the middle of the road: Changes to special ed law give states more leeway (Stateline.org), Parts of Special-Ed Bill Would Shift More Power to States (New York Times), Congress revises special education act (Miami Herald ), and Special-Ed Gets Its Due (Christian Science Monitor).

But there are some rumblings that the new law may cause some headaches: Revised special education rules get mixed reviews (NJ Star Ledger ), and Local educators hopeful but hesitant about special education ...(Blaine Spring Lake Park Life). For a really detailed look at the title by title changes, see: IDEA 2004: Changes in Key Statutes (WrightsLaw.com).


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