
NCLB Won't Save The Rs, But School Violence Might

It wasn't exactly a quick response, but some of the education blogs are slowly connecting how the White House is trying to use education as a way out of this week's Foley Fiasco. What no one seems to be picking up is that it's the school safety stuff (including a Tuesday event I blogged about earlier this week) that's going to do the job, if anything can.

Over at the AFT Blog, there's a Friday afternoon post (What a Week!) that alludes to the political situation but focuses narrowly on what Bush proposed (an expanded DC voucher program, among other things, announced at a charter school) than why he chose this moment to propose it.

On Thursday morning, Eduwonk noted the sudden spate of education events on the President's calendar, but again focused on the policy issues (growth models, teacher incentives) rather than the larger politics. Later in the day (see bottom of the post), he gets at the link between the Foley scandal and the President's proposals, noting that it's "going to take more than teacher pay to break through that."

Damn right. School violence, man. Swap one visceral fear (the pedophile authority figure) for an even worse one (the child molesting hostage taker). It could work. Maybe.

Previous posts:
Pandering To Fears Of School Violence
Why Haven't Dems Called For Spellings' Resignation?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I can see where it seems as though the Bush admin. is trying to use education to get out of the Foley mess. This is the type of issue I have an interest in researching -- the abuse of education as an issue in campaigns. Not that we don't appreciate the interest and action, but is it sincere and can it do any real good?

8:32 PM  

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