
Not So Fast, Say Charter Opponents

Maybe Clint Bolick spoke a little bit too early last week (Vouchers In NCLB) when he crowed about what a big year it'd been for choice advocates, because -- despite a fullcourt press from Mayor Bloomberg and Gov. Pataki -- the NY state legislature just rebuffed an effort to increase the cap on charter schools in NYC: Legislature Deals Setback to Mayor (NYT).

Mis-timed hardball tactics played a role in the upset, according to the Times: "Just as Assembly Democrats began to have discussions on the issue, a charter school advocacy group ran television and radio advertisements blasting several of the Assembly members over their opposition."

UPDATE: Rick Hess takes on charter supporters for playing fast and loose with charter school scores: "Charter proponents who play it fast and loose will come to regret their stance," writes Hess. "It's hard to complain about unfair treatment when one's scruples appear to be a matter of convenience.


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