
Election Impact Special "Non-News" Round-Up

Eduwonk and I aren't the only ones who don't really have much to say or don't really know what's going to happen next in Washington on education issues, if anything. But that doesn't stop us from trying. Over at Education Week, Michelle Davis rounds up what everyone's saying (Education Perspectives). Ditto for Sara Mead over at TQATE (Election Miscellany).

Even Congressman Miller, soon to be chairman of the House education committee, doesn't have much to say. According to a press release,
"Miller said that it is his intention to use the Committee to benefit America's children, families, and workers. Specifically, the first three priorities for the Committee will be to increase the national minimum wage, reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act, and make college more affordable."
So it's minimum wage first. The rest, who knows? I still hold that NCLB reauthorization won't happen until 2009, and will remind everyone that you heard it here first.


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