
Teachers On NCLB

Once in a while, just for kicks, I like to read what teachers and the like have to say about NCLB. It's not always the same old same old, as illustrated by this obvservation about why teachers aren't usually involved in policymaking:

"Teachers rarely consider policymaking to be an integral part of their work."


Why Aren’t Teachers Weighing In on Policymaking? (Ed Week)
Teachers rarely consider policymaking to be an integral part of their work; policymakers do not think of consulting teachers because of the history and tradition of task division; and few teachers would suggest that the best way to address educational issues is through increased student testing. Their input, therefore, could undermine the current political agenda.

Time to Rethink No Child Left Behind (Cincinnati Enquirer)
Elaine Olund of Clifton, Ohio discusses her experience helping her fifth and seventh graders practice for testing required by the No Child Left Behind Act. Olund believes in school improvement, but is finding the requirements and lack of common sense to lack testing of actual skills.

No Child Left Behind: Let's get it right NYSUT
Both NYSUT and AFT recognize that NCLB, though disappointing so far, has at least put focus on our schools and on the important issue of raising student achievement. That's why we declined to take part in lawsuits that have been initiated in an attempt to overthrow NCLB. Instead, we're working with lawmakers at the decision-making table to ensure our members' voices are heard and that the problems are fixed so that NCLB can live up to its early promise.

~by Margaret Paynich


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