
Morning Papers March 28 2006

Higher ed accountability, overstressed students, ineffective drug zones, and more.


Standardized testing at the university level?
Philadelphia Inquirer via Jimmy Kilpatrick
For at least half a century, leaders of the nation's colleges and universities have been touting U.S. higher education as by far the best in the world. Now, pressure is building to prove it.

Demands Make for a Roller Coaster Year Washington Post
Faced with SAT’s, after school activities and pressure to set life goals, some students report anxiety.

Drug-free school area ineffective, report says
Birmingham News via Jimmy K.
A new national report says that drug-free school zone laws fail to shield school children from drugs, and instead contribute to racial disparities in prison and to skyrocketing prison costs.

Too Much Homework? AP
Most parents say their children get the right amount of homework, and most teachers agree, according to an AP-AOL services poll.

SAT owner sharply criticized on disclosures AP
Another revelation about scoring errors on last October’s SAT exam has the College Board, the test’s owner, under heavy criticism even from admissions officers – a group that relies on the SAT and typically supports it.

~Margaret Paynich


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