
SOTU Watch: Taking Bets On Big Education News

Clearly, folks in Washington who would know better think that there'll be "something big" in the SOTU speech on Tuesday, education-wise.

Me, I still don't think so.


The latest bit of hope comes from the Education Sector last week, which says "the buzz around Washington is that the upcoming State of the Union address will include initiatives to bolster America's international standing in science and math."

Fine. There well may be. A mention in the SOTU is a big deal. (I'm still proud of getting my boss mentioned in one years ago.) And to those of us who live and breathe education it'll seem like a big deal .

But there will also be a slew of proposals on other issues, precious few specifics beyond the same old same old, and -- I'm pretty sure -- no new funding.

The EdSector is worried about the proposal being too big, or not targeted or tailored correctly. Me, I'm just thinking that there won't be that much to talk about. No new ideas. No big bucks.

We'll see.


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