
Naive Responses to NEA and Utah Defiance(NCLB News)

Thus far, at least, responses to this week's NEA's lawsuit against NCLB and Utah's legislative action have fallen into predictable categories: opponents of NCLB like them and think that they're going to topple the law; proponents of NCLB take issue and take it out on the NEA and Utah; and education reporters and editors love the drama and don't much care whether anything actually comes of it:

NEA Files 'No Child Left Behind' Lawsuit EdWeek
First national suit over education law CNN
NEA, 9 school districts challenge NCLB WashTimes
NEA, States Challenge 'No Child' Program WashPost
NEA, school districts sue over 'No Child' law USAT

'No Child' Law Gets Utah Snub Los Angeles Times
Utah Lawmakers Pass Bill Flouting NCLB EdWeek
No Child Left Behind Under Fire in Utah NPR
Utah bucks feds on schools The Salt Lake Tribune
Spellings warns Utah over federal act WashTimes
States hit back on school reform law CSM

Taking these actions so literally (and generally failing to examine their legal viability and functional impact), what few have done -- yet? -- is to unearth these actions as political and media strategies, examine their real-world impact, if any, and to dissect what might be gained -- or lost.

There are, however, a handful of interesting and perhaps surprising responses, including from civil rights and minority advocates:

Stand Firm for Educational Fairness New York Times
Civil Rights Advocate Bill Taylor On NEA Lawsuit Eduwonk
The Most Important Civil Rights Battle Since 'Brown' NYT
Another Newspaper Columnist for NCLB By Jenny D.
Bad Strategery? Eduwonk
RFK Rolls Over in His Grave By Jenny D.

Defying No Child law could cost Utah Salt Lake Tribune
Utah educators get reminder on diversity SLCTrib
Opinion: If states win, kids may lose USAT
Opinion: Schools are states' domain USAT
Opting out of NCLB would be a Utah travesty SLC Trib

Meanwhile, back in the real world:

Feds hint UPASS might pass muster STLTrib
Study faults state efforts to fix ailing schools Boston Globe
Questions Linger Over NCLB Policy Shifts EW
NCLB Transfer Policy Seen as Flawed EW
Keep the choice provision strong Gadfly
How To Make A School Choice WashPost via Assorted Stuff
Critics Question Use of Offshore Tutoring EW


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