
It's Different For Girls -- Because Boys Don't Graduate High School

Today's Times includes an apologetic op-ed from someone on the admissions committee at Kenyon College who seems to think that the inequality in male and female college applicants is a purely "demographic" event: "Demographers predict that by 2009, only 42 percent of all baccalaureate degrees awarded in the United States will be given to men."

I get that fewer female applicants makes it harder for them to get into the college of their choice, and I know demographic trends do change the numbers from decade to decade. But, as may be no surprise to readers of this site, I don't think this is a purely demographic event. It has much to do with how boys do in school.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you didn't mean to say "I get that fewer female applicants makes it harder for them to get into the college of their choice"

The problem is, of course, more female applicants

3:43 PM  
Blogger Alexander Russo said...

thanks, sam --

sometimes i get more and less confused, especially before having had my coffee.

3:51 PM  

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